
What should I do to get the best price of my used car?

  The increased demand for used automobiles has given sellers the ability to close deals quickly, but it has also significantly decreased the likelihood of getting a fair price for your car because there are now more sellers available to meet the buyer's needs. In these circumstances, one must take a few actions and learn how to negotiate the best price for the car they are selling. For any used automobile buyer, the most crucial factors are the model year, the model makes, the car's condition, mileage, and attractiveness. As a result, you must make sure that your car achieves the highest possible rating on these factors. ·   Studying Online Platforms: There is no price tag on used autos. This is why determining the value of one's car can be quite challenging. You should look into this situation; it will be to your advantage. To have an anchor price while selling your automobile, you can either approach someone who has already sold their car or attempt a free online used...

How do I get the best price on a used car?

It’s not easy to sell a secondhand car. The issue here isn’t just the emotional attachment one forms to an item like a car they’ve owned for years; it’s also about being aware of market realities to ensure you receive the greatest bargain without any pre- or post-sales difficulties. The stages to getting a precise car value are as follows: ·   Examine automobile valuation guides: Using an internet automobile price guide is one of the greatest ways to determine a car’s value. When you enter a car’s details and location, the guide will display a range of the vehicle’s value. The three industry-recognized automotive valuation guides are listed below: 1. Car Blue Book: The earliest automotive value reference is Kelley Blue Book (KBB), which was named after the actual blue books it previously published. 2. NADA guides: Franchised dealers are represented by the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), which also makes its retail valuation guide available to consumers. ...

Is it generally difficult to sell used electric cars?

  The development of electric transportation will have far-reaching effects on auto dealers, affecting almost every facet of the industry. There are several factors to take into account, ranging from the distribution of profit pools to the adoption of new operating practices. Frontline sales employees will be expected to adequately respond to customer questions and close the sale, while maintenance workers will need the training to service high-voltage power train systems safely and effectively. Additionally, the mechanical components of electric vehicles (EVs) tend to last longer, which has substantial effects on after-sales servicing. It is nothing short of amazing that the worldwide EV market, which includes battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), has continued to flare up despite the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 was a record year for the sale of electric vehicles despite a global decline in overall auto sales; ...

How Technological Obsolescence can affect Electric Vehicles

  The auto business today is undergoing a major transformation quite similar to the smartphone industry in the early 2000s. The entire shift from conventional gas powered vehicles to electric power trains is creating radical ripples in supply chains, fabrication systems and even in service centers. The business model is shaken to core, thereby defining new processes about how electric vehicles are manufactured and sold. In any case, there is one issue that stands apart and common for every EV : Obsolescence i.e vehicles becoming outdated due to rapid innovation in the technological ecosystem.   This case can be compared as EVs are becoming outdated like smartphones, or more specifically, iPhones.   To explain further, a 2009 iPhone Model will be susceptible to malfunctions more than a 2019 iPhone Model. It may happen due to upgradation of new electronic systems and software capabilities , which makes the old iPhone incompatible with the latest hardware capabilit...

Repeated Battery Pack Issue in Your EV & What to do ?

A simple Google search may gladly announce that replacing an EV battery module is in the range of $3,000 and $7,000, however that doesn't tell us the full story whatsoever.   Numerous EV owners might have warned us that EV battery packs are the costliest part in an electric vehicle,   yet outside of EV communities, very few people know precisely what actual expenses look like.   “Very few people know precisely what actual expenses look like to actually replace the battery pack completely.”   The significant expense is one reason most automakers guarantee their electric vehicle batteries for at least 8 years or 100,000 miles. As automakers don't consistently distribute the expenses of their parts—particularly for important modules like motors and batteries.   Recently, we came across a Tesla Model 3 that took care of a battery substitution which was not under guarantee.     “To put things into perspective, we will also share an autho...